AllSecure System - Istorija obaveštenja


OPEN PLATFORM - Funkcioniše

EXCHANGE PLATFORM - Popravka u toku

Istorija obaveštenja

Mar 2024

EXCHANGE PLATFORM Scheduled Maintenance Activity: 3DS maintenance
  • Završeno
    26/03/2024 u 10:00:00
    26/03/2024 u 10:00:00
    Maintenance has completed successfully
  • U toku
    26/03/2024 u 08:00:01
    U toku
    26/03/2024 u 08:00:01
    Maintenance is now in progress
  • Planirano
    26/03/2024 u 08:00:00
    26/03/2024 u 08:00:00

    In order to maintain service quality and availability for our services, it is necessary to perform required maintenances within our network. We try to keep service impact as low as possible and apologise for the resulting inconvenience. Please don't hesitate to contact customer support if you have any questions.

    • Time Start: 26 March 2024 09:00 AM (CET)

    • Time End: 26 March 2024 11:00 AM (CET)

    • Description: Optimize 3DS high availability

    • Planned Outage Duration: None

    • Affected Services: 3D-Secure Engine

    For current system status and planned maintenances please check our status page at

Hipotekarna Bank and AIK Bank Planned Maintenance Activities: PR->DR switch
  • Završeno
    24/03/2024 u 04:00:00
    24/03/2024 u 04:00:00
    Maintenance has completed successfully
  • U toku
    24/03/2024 u 02:00:01
    U toku
    24/03/2024 u 02:00:01
    Maintenance is now in progress
  • Planirano
    24/03/2024 u 02:00:00
    24/03/2024 u 02:00:00

    Please be informed about planned system maintenance - Hipotekarna Bank and AIK bank processor engineers will perform PR->DR switch on production system. System will be temporary switched-off for certain period of time and therefore connection between our systems will be temporary inactive.

    ·         Time Start: 24 March 2024 03:00 AM CET

    ·         Time End: 24 March 2024 05:00 AM CET

    ·         Description: Core processing system PR/DR switch

    ·         Impact: System will be inactive app. 30-60 minutes. Connections between our systems will be switched-off during the maintenance.

    ·         Affected Services: Bank processing services

    For current system status and planned maintenances please check our status page at

OPEN PLATFORM Scheduled Maintenance Activity
  • Završeno
    10/03/2024 u 10:30:00
    10/03/2024 u 10:30:00
    Maintenance has completed successfully
  • U toku
    10/03/2024 u 05:30:01
    U toku
    10/03/2024 u 05:30:01
    Maintenance is now in progress
  • Planirano
    10/03/2024 u 05:30:00
    10/03/2024 u 05:30:00

    In order to maintain the quality of service and the availability of our services, it is necessary to carry out the necessary maintenance of our gateway. We try to keep the impact of the service as small as possible and apologize for the inconvenience caused. Please do not hesitate to contact customer support if you have any questions.

    • Start Date/Time: 10 March 2024 06:30 AM (CET)

    • End Date/Time: 10 March 2024 11:30 AM (CET)

    • Description: Firewall Migration

    • Impact: Brief and sporadic interruptions are possible for the first sixty minutes of the five-hour maintenance window, connectivity will be interrupted while traffic is moved to new network devices

    • Affected Services: Creditcard Transactions / Gateway

    For current system status and planned maintenances please check our status page at

Feb 2024

EXCHANGE PLATFORM Planned Maintenance - Incident
  • Rešeno

    In the course of the announced planned maintenance (, in addition to the expected interruption in transaction processing, there were two more minor interruptions. The mentioned interruptions occurred during the announced maintenance in the period from 06:50h CET to 07:10h CET and in the period from 07:45h CET to 08:05h CET.

    We were running into issues after the planned maintenance downtime. An already pre prepared back out procedure was executed, to resume normal operation.

    After 08:15h CET we notice that transaction processing has stabilized.

EXCHANGE PLATFORM Scheduled Maintenance Activity: Platform Maintenance
  • Završeno
    27/02/2024 u 07:00:00
    27/02/2024 u 07:00:00
    Maintenance has completed successfully
  • U toku
    27/02/2024 u 05:00:01
    U toku
    27/02/2024 u 05:00:01
    Maintenance is now in progress
  • Planirano
    27/02/2024 u 05:00:00
    27/02/2024 u 05:00:00

    In order to maintain service quality and availability for our services, it is necessary to perform required maintenances within our network. We try to keep service impact as low as possible and apologise for the resulting inconvenience. Please don't hesitate to contact customer support if you have any questions.

    • Time Start: 27 February 2024 06:00 CET

    • Time End: 27 February 2024 08:00 CET

    • Description: Platform Planned Maintenance

    • Planned Outage Duration: We may experience minor degradation of all Postbacks, Dashboards, and Post Processing will be temporarily paused, during this maintenance window. As stated above, from approximately 06:20 CET to 06:40 CET, we will undergo complete maintenance for APIs and Merchant web interfaces.

    • Affected Services: Transaction Processing / Credit card Processing / 3D-Secure Engine / Post Processing / Hosted Payment Pages / BI Data Source / Merchant web interfaces

    For current system status and planned maintenances please check our status page at

OTP BANK Planned Maintenance Activities
  • Završeno
    17/02/2024 u 23:40:00
    17/02/2024 u 23:40:00
    Maintenance has completed successfully
  • U toku
    17/02/2024 u 23:10:01
    U toku
    17/02/2024 u 23:10:01
    Maintenance is now in progress
  • Planirano
    17/02/2024 u 23:10:00
    17/02/2024 u 23:10:00

    Please be informed about planned system maintenance - during the period indicated below, OTP Bank will carry out regular system maintenance.

    • Time Start: 18 February 2024 00:10 AM (CET)

    • Time End: 18 February 2024 00:40 AM (CET)

    • Description: regular system maintenance

    • Impact: During the mentioned period, the bank system will not be available for about 30 minutes. The interruption will relate to the processing of transactions.

    • Affected Services: Bank processing services

    For current system status and planned maintenances please check our status page at

Jan 2024

BANCA INTESA Planned Maintenance Activities
  • Završeno
    10/01/2024 u 04:00:00
    10/01/2024 u 04:00:00

    Maintenance has completed successfully

  • U toku
    10/01/2024 u 00:00:01
    U toku
    10/01/2024 u 00:00:01

    Maintenance is now in progress

  • Planirano
    10/01/2024 u 00:00:00
    10/01/2024 u 00:00:00

    Please be informed about planned system maintenance - during the period indicated below, Banca Intesa will carry out regular system maintenance.

    • Time Start: 10 January 2024 01:00 (CET)
    • Time End: 10 January 2024 05:00 (CET)
    • Description: regular system maintenance
    • Impact: During the specified period, there may be occasional interruptions in the processing of transactions as well as in the operation of all payment cards issued by Banca Intesa ad Beograd.
    • Affected Services: Bank processing services

    For current system status and planned maintenances please check our status page at

Jan 2024 do Mar 2024
